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Last Update - 25 February 2016

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Click on arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) to follow Maternal Line

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McCartney, Hans Gray - 19th. August 1795 - (Father George McCartney) - (Mother Mary Boyd)

McCartney, James Appleton - 7th. February 1834 - {Father Henry McCartney of Drumhirk} - {Mother Elizabeth Bradley}

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McCartney, Mary - 3rd. August 1834 - {Wife to William McCullough} - Mother of Mary McCullough

McCartney, Jane - 29th. June 1835 - {Father Alexander McCartney} - {Mother Elloner Robb}

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Jane - 22nd. September 1842 - {Wife to Robert Cairnduff} - Mother of Mary Cairnduff - 1stP

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Jane - 1st. May 1844 - {Wife to William Cairnduff} - Mother of Mary Cairnduff - 1stP

McCartney, William - 6th. January 1845 - {Father James McCartney} - {Mother Jane Lowery}
McCartney, Joseph - 3rd. July 1848 - Twin - {Father James McCartney} - {Mother Jane Lowery}
McCartney, Robert - 3rd. July 1848 - Twin - {Father James McCartney} - {Mother Jane Lowery}
McCartney, Martha - 21st. April 1855 - {Father James McCartney} - {Mother Jane Lowery}
McCartney, Eliza - 24th. May 1857 - {Father James McCartney} - {Mother Jane Lowery}

McCartney, Child - 3rd. June 1846 - {Father Henry McCartney} - {Mother Jane Robb}

McCartney, Joseph - 29th. JUly 1845 - {Father David McCartney} - {Mother Agnes Keenan}
McCartney, Joseph - 22nd. July 1846 - {Father David McCartney} - {Mother Agnes Keenan} - {sic}
McCartney, Jane - 14th. February 1848 - {Father David McCartney} - {Mother Agnes Keenan}
McCartney, William - 23rd. June 1851 - {Father David McCartney} - {Mother Agnes Keenan}

McCartney, Margaret - 4th. January 1852 - No parents listed - 1stP

McCartney, William - 6th. March 1852 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Jane Burns}

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Isabella - 3rd. June 1852 - {Wife to John McCullough} - Mother of David McCullough - 1st. Presbyterian

McCartney, John - 22nd. February 1857 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Jane McKee}

McCartney, Anna - 14th. December 1858 - {Father William McCartney of Ballyalton} - {Mother Jane McKee} - 1stP
McCartney, Martha - 31st. July 1861 - {Father William McCartney of Ballyalton} - {Mother Jane McKee}
McCartney, Margaret - 12th. November 1863 - {Father William McCartney of Ballyalton} - {Mother Jane McKee}
McCartney, William John - 27th. March 1866 - {Father William McCartney of Ballyalton} - {Mother Jane McKee}

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Margaret - 4th. December 1861 - {Wife to John McWhiney} - Mother of Margaret McWhiney

McCartney, Fanny - 1864

McCartney, Nancy - 1864

McCartney, Thomas - 1864

McCartney, William - 1864

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Agnes~Nancy - 1865 - {Wife to William Roddy} - Mother of William Roddy

McCartney, James - 1865

McCartney, Joseph - 1865

McCartney, Margaret - 1865

McCartney, Robert Alexander - 1865

McCartney, William - 2nd. March 1865 - {Father Robert McCartney} - {Mother Frances Clark}

McCartney, Male - 6th. February 1867 - {Father Robert McCartney} - {Mother Fanney Clark}
McCartney, Jane - 26th. May 1869 - {Father Robert McCartney} - {Mother Fanney Clark}
McCartney, Margaret - 19th. September 1871 - {Father Robert McCartney} - {Mother Fanney Clark}
McCartney, David - 26th. March 1880 - {Father Robert McCartney} - {Mother Fanney Clark}

McCartney, Andrew - 1866

McCartney, Thomas - 7th. January 1866 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor}
McCartney, William John - 7th. June 1869 - Twin - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor}
McCartney, James Andrew - 7th. June 1869 - Twin - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor}
McCartney, Robert - 28th. March 1871 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor}
McCartney, John - 30th. May 1873 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor}
McCartney, William - 2nd. July 1875 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor} - {sic}
McCartney, John - 6th. July 1877 - {Father John McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Taylor} - {sic}

McCartney, Female - 10th. June 1866 - {Father James McCartney} - {Mother Agnes Belshaw}

McCartney, John Crawford - 1866

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McCartney, Mary - 29th. April 1866 - {Wife to Andrew Russel} - Mother of Mary Russell

McCartney, Annie - 1867

McCartney, Elizabeth - 1867

McCartney, Fanny - 1867

McCartney, James - 1867

McCartney, Male - 1867

McCartney, Henry James - 1868

McCartney, Male - 1868

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Eliza - 1868 - {Wife to John Gregg} - Mother of William Gregg

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Sarah - 1868 - {Wife to William John Ervin} - Mother of Robert James Ervin

McCartney, Ellen - 1869

McCartney, Hugh - 17th. June 1869 - {Father James McCartney a labourer of Ballywatticock} - {Mother Eliza Stewart}
McCartney, Agnes Jane - 27th. October 1871 - {Father James McCartney a labourer of Ballywatticock} - {Mother Eliza Stewart}
McCartney, Mary - 1st. February 1874 - {Father James McCartney a labourer of Ballywatticock} - {Mother Eliza Stewart}
McCartney, Elizabeth - 21st. June 1876 - {Father James McCartney a labourer of Ballywatticock} - {Mother Eliza Stewart}

McCartney, Mary - 1870

McCartney, William David - 1870

flag-usa.gif (10636 bytes) McCartney, Mary Ann - 1871 - Born Comber - Later married Thomas Hugh Kennedy of Belfast and the family emigrated to Canada in 1924 and then to the USA in 1926

McCartney, William Sheals - 1871

McCartney, Jane Gibson - 1872

McCartney, Jane Blair - 1872

McCartney, William - 1872

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Ann - 1872 - {Wife to Joseph Hollinger} - Mother of James Wallace McIlwroth Hollinger

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Jane - 8th. December 1872 - {Wife to Francis Black} - Mother of Jane Black

McCartney, Ann Mary - 1873

McCartney, Margaret - 1873

McCartney, William James - 1873

McCartney, Anna Ferguson - 1874

McCartney, Mary - 1874 - {Wife to John Jones} - Mother of John Jones

McCartney, Rebecka - 1874 - {Wife to David Hykes} - Mother of Abbey Hykes

McCartney, Samuel - 1874

McCartney, William Shields - 1875

McCartney, Alexander - 1876

McCartney, Annie Elizabeth P. - 1876

McCartney, Samuel - 1876

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Margaret - 5th. September 1876 - {Wife to Robert McConnell} - Mother of Robert McConnell

McCartney, Hamilton - 1877

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Elizabeth - 28th. May 1877 - {Wife to James McJury} - Mother of William McJury

McCartney, Ann Jane - 3rd.qtr. 1878

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Ann - 24th. June 1878 - {Wife to William McMillan} - Mother of Robert McMillan

McCartney, Frederick Hugh - 2nd.qtr. 1879

McCartney, Agnes - 3rd.qtr. 1879

McCartney, James - 3rd.qtr. 1881

McCartney, William - 1st.qtr. 1881

McCartney, Lizzey - 2nd.qtr. - 1882

McCartney, Rebecca - 29th. July 1882 - {Father Thomas McCartney of Frederick Street} - {Mother Annabella Martin}

McCartney, Hugh - 2nd.qtr. 1883

McCartney, Anna - 2nd.qtr. 1884

McCartney, Elizabeth - 3rd.qtr. 1884

McCartney, Hugh - 1st.qtr. 1884

McCartney, John - 1st.qtr. 1884

McCartney, Mary - 2nd.qtr. 1884

McCartney, 4th.qtr. Ellen - 1885

McCartney, Mary Ann - 1st.qtr. 1886

McCartney, Elenor "Ellen" - 1888 - {Mother Frances McCartney}

McCartney, Fanny - 3rd.qtr. 1891

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Maggie - 6th. May 1891 - {Wife to James McMorran} - Mother of Elizabeth Morran

McCartney, Thomas McWhinney - 3rd.qtr. 1892

McCartney, Peter - 1st.qtr. 1893

McCartney, James - 3rd.qtr. 1895

McCartney, Sarah Margaret E. - 2nd.qtr. 1895

McCartney, James - 4th.qtr. 1896

McCartney, Elizabeth - 2nd.qtr. 1897

McCartney, Mary - 2nd.qtr. 1897

McCartney, Sarah McCready - 1st.qtr. 1898

McCartney, James - 2nd.qtr.1899

McCartney, Samuel - 3rd.qtr.1899

McCartney, Robert - 1st.qtr.1900

McCartney, Thomas John - 2nd.qtr.1901

McCartney, Anna Stewart - 19th. November 1901 - {Father Hugh McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Blair}
McCartney, James - 6th. February 1903 - {Father Hugh McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Blair}
McCartney, Elizabeth - 26th. January 1905 - {Father Hugh McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Blair}
McCartney, Hugh - 17th. September 1910 - {Father Hugh McCartney} - {Mother Margaret Blair}

McCartney, Jane - 3rd.qtr.1902

McCartney, William - 2nd.qtr.1903

McCartney, William - 1st.qtr. 1904

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Mary a dressmaker - May 1904 - {Wife to David Burrows} - Mother of David Burrows

McCartney, David - 3rd.qtr. 1905

McCartney, Elizabeth - 1st.qtr. 1905

McCartney, John Lindsay - 1st.qtr. 1905

McCartney, Ethelina - 4th.qtr. 1906

McCartney, Margaret - 1st.qtr. 1906

McCartney, Agnes - 4th.qtr. 1907

McCartney, George - 23rd. February 1908 - {Father Samuel McCartney deceased} - {Mother Mary "Minnie" Anderson}

McCartney, Mary - 3rd.qtr. - 1910

McCartney, Eleanor - 3rd.qtr. 1911

McCartney, James - 2nd.qtr. 1911

McCarthey, George - 5th. November 1913 - {Father Walker McCartney} - {Mother Florence Isobel Burling} @ Belfast
McCarthey, John - 3rd. October 1916 - {Father Walker McCartney} - {Mother Florence Isobel Burling} @ 78 Balfour Street Newtownards
McCarthey, Maureen - 26th. October 1921 - {Father Walker McCartney} - {Mother Florence Isobel Burling} @ 78 Balfour Street Newtownards
Walker was a post office official and family were member of the Church of Ireland - Also Walker may be a mispelling of Walter ...

McCartney, Miriam Anderson - 2nd.qtr. 1913

McCartney, Alexander McG. - 1st.qtr. 1914

McCartney, Elizabeth - 20th. May 1915 - @ Frances Street - Father was a sewing agent - Elizabeth later attended Movilla School

McCartney, Ena - 1st.qtr. 1916

McCartney, John - 1st.qtr. 1916

McCartney, Margaret - 2nd.qtr. 1918

McCartney, Sarah - 17th. March 1918 - Father a sewing agent of Francis Street - Sarah later attended Movilla School

McCartney, Robert Stanley - 3rd.qtr. 1920

McCartney, Violet - 2nd.qtr. 1920

McCartney, Maureen - 4th.qtr. 1921

McCartney, Hugh William - 4th.qtr. 1924 @ Gibraltar

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H = Headstone Image

McCartney, Jane nee Dury - 4th. August 1685 - Wife to John McCartney

Erected by William McCartney
McCartney, Isabella - 16th. May 1836 aged 45 - {b.c1791} - Wife to above William
McCartney, James - 29th. December 1858 aged 35 - {b.c1823} - Son of above William
McCartney, William (The above) - 1st. or 2nd. May 1871 aged 87 - {b.c1784}
26th. May 1871 - The Will of William M'Cartney late of Newtownards Co.Down Pensioner deceased who died 2 May 1871 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of the Reverend Hugh Moore of Newtownards aforesaid Presbyterian Minister and James M'Cutcheon of Scrabo Isles (Newtownards aforesaid) Stonecutter and Farmer the Executors. - Effects under £450
Had a son William - Daughter Isabella McCullough - Daughter Mary McCullough - Daughter Eleanor McCullough - Daughter Margaret McWhinney - Also had property in John Street

McCartney, William - 2nd. September 1867 - A retired farmer of Ballyblack
11th. October 1867 - The Will of William M'Cartney late of Ballyblack Co.Down Retired Farmer deceased who died 2 September 1867 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oath of David Duncan of Ballyblack (Newtownards) aforesaid Farmer one of the Executors. {Other was David Brown} - Effects under £200
He had a sister Mary Ann Davidson - Sister Margaret Byers - Sister Mary Bell - Brother James McCartney - Neice Mary Byers - A much esteemed friend Andrew Duncan - Witnessed by S.Beck and David Barr of Ballyblack

Erected by James McCartney of Newtownards @ Ballymanish, Portaferry - H
McCartney, Anna - 10th. January 1891 aged 10 months - Daughter of above
McCartney, James - 7th. October 1910 aged 61 - The above
McCartney, Eliza nee Stewart -

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McCartney, Joseph - 1st. January 1914 aged 68 - {b.1845} - Son of David McCartney and  Agnes Keenan - Married - Died 11 Belgrade Place, Springfield, Massachusetts USA of Angina - A stationery engineer

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His wife and son resided with the Dorrian Family
He was the son of William John McCartney of 17 John Street

Erected by Will and Mary Brown - H
McCartney, William James - 23rd. October 1928 - Grandfather of above
27th. November 1928 - McCartney William James of 11 High Street Newtownards Co.Down fitter died 23 October 1928 at Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast Administration Belfast 27 November to Grace McCartney the widow. Effects £309 8s.
McCartney, Grace - 13th. January 1951 - Grandmother of above
Brown, William - 15th. May 1964 - Father of above
Brown, Jane nee McCartney - 25th. July 1994 - Mother of above

McCartney, Elizabeth Stewart "Betty" - 3rd. February 1929 aged 8 years - Daughter of John and Elizabeth McCartney - H
McCartney, John - 29th. November 1952 - The above
McCartney, Elizabeth - 22nd. January 1962 - Wife to John

McCartney, Hugh - 18th. November 1934 aged 65 - {b.c1869} - H
McCartney, Margaret nee Blair - 6th. November 1940 aged 67 - {b.c1873} - Wife to above
McCartney, James - 14th. August 1981 aged 78 - {b.c1903} - Son of Hugh McCartney and Margaret Blair
McCartney, Anna Stewart - 23rd. December 1983 aged 82 - {b.c1901} - Daughter of Hugh McCartney and Margaret Blair
McCartney, Agnes - 17th. October 1992 - Wife to James

McCartney, Robert - 3rd. January 1937 - A joiner of 149 Greenwell Street
28th. April 1937 - McCartney, Robert of 149 Greenwell Street Newtownards Co.Down wood joiner died 3 January 1937 Administration Belfast 28 April to Sarah Aicken married woman. Effects £98 2s. 7d.

McCartney, Margaret - 9th. September 1938 - {b.c1882} - A spinster of "Solitude" Pound Street
14th. October 1938 - McCartney, Margaret of "Solitude" Pound Street Newtownards Co.Down spinster died 9 September 1938 Probate Belfast 14 October to Harry McCartney printers manager and John McCartney baker. Effects £219 11s. 5d


McCartney, Florence Isabel - 12th. October 1934 aged 43 - {b.c1891} - Buried Dundonald Cemetery - Grave Ref. E2-452
McCartney, Walter James - 19th. July 1950 aged 64 - {b.c1886} - Husband to Florence Isobel Burling - Buried Dundonald Cemetery - Grave Ref. E2-452
McCartney, Betty Clark - 4th. April 1999 aged 73 - {b.c1926} - Buried Dundonald Cemetery - Grave Ref. E2-452

McCartney, Mary Maxwell - 26th. December 1954 - @ Cunningburn - Widow of William McCartney - Buried Bangor Abbey

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McCartney, Alexander - 23rd. April 1835 - {Father .............. } - Married Elloner Robb
Witnesses were Robert James Robb and Maria McCracken - 1st.Presbyterian

McCartney, Kennedy - 1846 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Margaret - 1st. September 1846 - Married James Filson

McCartney, Anna - 1847 - Married .........................

McCartney, Mary - 1847 - Married .........................

McCartney, James - 24th. December 1847 - {Father James McCartney} - Married Jane Bowman

McCartney, Anne - 1848 - Married .........................

McCartney, Charles - 1848 - Married .........................

McCartney, David - 1848 - Married .........................

McCartney, Elizabeth - 1848 - Married .........................

McCartney, Agnes - 1850 - Married .........................

McCartney, Alexander - 1850 - Married .........................

McCartney, Robert - 1850 - Married .........................

McCartney, William - 1850 - Married .........................

McCartney, John a weaver of Wallaces Deed - 27th. December 1851 - {Father William McCartney a stonemason} - Married Jane Burns
Witnesses were William Anderson and David McCartney

McCartney, Elizabeth - 1852 - Married .........................

McCartney, Joseph - 1852 - Married .........................

McCartney, Samuel - 1852 - Married .........................

McArtney, James - 22nd. May 1852 aged 24 - {Father Cornelius McArtney} - Married Lucinda Stewart aged 22

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Macartney, Agnes - 3rd. July 1852 aged 21 - {b.c1831} - {Father John MaCartney} - Married William Rawdon~Roden

McCartney, Thomas - 3rd. December 1852 aged 21 - {b.c1831} - {Father William McCartney} - Married Sarah Jane Anderson aged 19 - {Father John Anderson}

McCartney, Margaret - 1853 - Married .........................

McCartney, William - 26th. May 1853 aged 28 - {Father Michael McCartney} - Married Mary Caughey

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McArtney, Margaret - 18th. July 1853 aged 21 - {Father Robert McArtney} - Married David Liget

McCartney, Agnes - 1856 - Married .........................

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McCartney, Mary - 4th. September 1857 aged 20 - {Father William McCartney} - Married Andrew Russell - {Father John Russell}

McCartney, Jane - 1858 - Married .........................

McCartney, Robert - 1858 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Macartney, Ellen - 24th. September 1858 - {Father James Macartney a labourer} - Married John Ingram
Witnesses were John Moore and Margaret Ingram - 1st.Presbyterian

McCartney, Jane - 1859 - Married .........................

McCartney, Thomas - 1859 - Married .........................

McCartney, John - 12th. December 1860 aged 21 - {Father James McCartney} - Married Louisa Major

McCartney, Margaret - 1861 - Married .........................

McCartney, Isabella - 1863 - Married .........................

McCartney, Robert a weaver aged 21 - 4th. October 1864 - {Father William McCartney a stonemason} - Married Frances Clarke a weaver - {Father John Clarke a weaver}
Witnessed by Andrew and Mary Russell @ St.Marks Church of Ireland

McCartney, Samuel - 1864 - Married .........................

McCartney, James - 1865 - Married .........................

McCartney, Margaret - 1865 - Married .........................

Macartney, James a labourer at the dairy - 15th. March 1865 - {Father Robert McCartney a labourer} - Married Eliza Jane Semple
Witnesses were Samuel Gordon Semple and Isabella Gregg - 1stP

McCartney, John - 1866 - Married .........................

McCartney, William Newton - 1867 - Married .........................

McCartney, James a labourer of Ballywatticock - 13th. October 1868 - {Father James McCartney a labourer} - Married Eliza Stewart - (Father Hugh Stuart a weaver of Ballywatticock)
Witnesses were John Martin and Susan Ritchie

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James McCartney and Eliza Stewart 1892

McCartney, William - 1871 - Married .........................

McCartney, Agnes - 1872 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Jane of Ballyalton - 22nd. May 1872 aged 20 - {Father William McCartney a quarryman} - Married Francis Black
Witnesses were Alexander Ross and Eliza McCartney

McCartney, Isabella - 1873 - Married .........................

McCartney, Susanna - 1873 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Margaret a widow nee Skilling - 7th. October 1874 - {Father John Skilling a labourer} - Married William Alison
Witnesses were James and Margaret Skilling

McCartney, Margaret - 1875 - Married .........................

McCartney, Mary - 10th. August 1875 - {Father Thomas McCartney a weaver} - Married Robert McConnell a weaver - {Father Robert McConnell a weaver}
Witnessed by Alexander Dorman and Annie Irvine @ St.Marks Church of Ireland

McCartney, Anne - 1876 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Elizabeth - 27th. July 1876 - {Father William McCartney a labourer of Ballyalton} - Married James McJury a labourer of Greengraves then Ballycullen - {Father Hans McJury}
Witnesses were John McJury and Mary Ann Munn

McCartney, Agnes - 1877 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Ann - 14th. September 1877 aged 20 - {Father William McCartney a labourer of Ballyalton} - Married William McMillan
Witnesses were James McCullough and Ellen Jamison

McCartney, Joseph - 29th. June 1880 - Married Mary Jane Murphy of Ballyblack - {Father Robert Murphy a farmer}
Witnesses were William John George and Elizabeth Murphy

McCartney, Maggie - 1880 - Married .........................

McCartney, John - 1882 - Married .........................

McCartney, John - 1st.qtr.1883 - Married .........................

McCartney, Mary - 1884 - Married .........................

McCartney, Sarah Jane - 1885 - Married .........................

McCartney, Letitia Jane - 1888 - Married .........................

McCartney, Margaret - 4th.qtr.1888 - Married .........................

McCartney, William John - 1st.qtr.1890 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Maggie - 7th. April 1890 - {Father William McCartney a labourer of Ballyalton} - Married James McMorran
Witnesses were William Campbell and Lizzie Jamison

McCartney, Elsie - 1st.qtr.1893 - Married .........................

McCartney, William Alexander - 1894 - Married .........................

McCartney, James - 1895 - Married .........................

McCartney, Maggie - 3rd.qtr.1896 - Married .........................

McCartney, Mary - 1896 - Married .........................

McCartney, Samuel - 1896 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Mary a dressmaker - 10th. August 1896 - {Father James McCartney a car agent of 72 Court Street} - Married David Burrows
Witnesses were Hugh and Agnes Jane McCartney

McCartney, Francis Joseph - 1st.qtr.1897 - Married .........................

McCartney, Jane - 4th.qtr.1898 - Married .........................

McCartney, Jane - 1st.qtr.1900 - Married .........................

McCartney, Anna "Hollinger" - 1st.qtr.1904 - Married .........................

McCartney, William James - 4th.qtr.1907 - Married .........................

McCartney, Lizzie - 3rd.qtr.1910 - Married .........................

McCartney, Minnie - 4th.qtr.1912 - Married .........................

McCartney, Hugh - 3rd.qtr.1913 - Married .........................

McCartney, Walter James - 25th. April 1913 - {Father George McCartney a mason} - Married Florence Isobel Burling - {Father George Burling a Serjeant in the Royal Irish Rifles}
Witnessed by Thomas Alexander Long and Eva Maud Burling at St.Marks Parish Church - Family later settled at 78 Balfour Street

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McCartney, Mary - 3rd.qtr.1915 - Married .........................

McCartney, Robert - 1st.qtr.1915 - Married .........................

McCartney, Susanna - 3rd.qtr.1917 - Married .........................

McCartney, Susanna - 4th.qtr.1917 - Married .........................

McCartney, Elizabeth - 3rd.qtr.1919 - Married .........................

McCartney, Mary Ellen - 1920 - Married ............ ...................

McCartney, Elizabeth - 4th.qtr.1921 - Married .........................

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) McCartney, Mary - 9th. October 1924 - Married James Brett

McCartney, Sarah of "Moyallon House" Donaghadee Road - 15th. September 1937 aged 19 - (Father Hugh McCartney a carrier) - Married Joseph James Smylie Ferguson of Millisle

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McCartney, James - 1846 - A boot and shoe maker of Mill Street

McCartney, Elizabeth - 1863 - Of Greenwell Street - Leased a house,yard and garden from William McIlwrath

McCartney, William - 1863 - In High Street - Leased out a house to Patrick Gilmore
McCartney, William - 1863 - In Great Francis Street - Leased out a house to John Montgomery

McCartney, William - 1863 - In Greenwell Street - Leased out a forge
McCartney, William - 1863 - In Greenwell Street - Leased out 4 houses
One of which included offices and a yard and was to John Hanna


flag-england.gif (7647 bytes) 1891 Census - Residents of a house @ Sloane Street, Chelsea. London
Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney Agnes 29 c1852 F Employee   Newtownards Housemaid Single

flag-usa.gif (10636 bytes) McCartney, William - 12th. April 1895 - Was serving with D.Coy. 69th. New York Infantry - Pension No.812532

1901 Census - Residents of a house 71 in Court Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney James 53 c1848 Male Head Presterian Co.Down Car Agent Married
McCartney Eliza Ann 53 c1848 Female Wife Presterian Co.Down None Married
McCartney Agnes 28 c1873 Female Daughter Presbeterian Co.Down Dressmaker Single
McCartney Elizabeth 26 c1875 Female Daughter Presbeterian Co.Down Dressmaker Single
McCartney Isabellah 23 c1878 Female Daughter Presbeterian Co.Down Dressmaker Single
McCartney Margaret 21 c1880 Female Daughter Presbeterian Co.Down None Single
McCartney William James 19 c1882 Male Son Presbeterian Co.Down Machineman Single
McCartney Henry 14 c1887 Male Son Presbeterian Co.Down School Boy Single

1901 Census - Residents of a house 15 in Donaghadee Road (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McArtney William John 36 Male Head Presbyterian Co.Down Woolen Weaver Married
McArtney Mary 34 Female Wife Presbyterian Co.Down - Married
McArtney Lizzie 10 Female Daughter Presbyterian Scotland Scholar Single
McArtney Robert 8 Male Son Presbyterian Scotland Scholar Single
McArtney Mary 3 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down - Single
McArtney David 1 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down - Single

1901 Census - Residents of a house 74 in (Great) Francis Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Macartney William John 43 Male Head Ch.of-Ire. Co Antrim Shoe Maker Married
Macartney Ann J 36 Female Wife Ch.of-Ire. Co.Down House Keeper Married
Macartney Robert 1 Male Son Ch.of-Ire. C Down - -
Cowan Thomas 50 Male Visitor Ch.of-Ire. Co Antrim Shoe Maker Married

1901 Census - Residents of a house 110 in Greenwell Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney Samuel 26 c1875 Male Head Presbyterian Co.Down Wool Weaver Married
McCartney Minnie 22 c1879 Female Wife Presbyterian C Down - Married
McCartney Lizzie 3 c1898 Female Daughter Presbyterian C Down - -
McCartney Samuel 1 c1900 Male Son Presbyterian C Down - -

1901 Census - Residents of a house 22 in Mill Street Part of. (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney Mary Anne 60 c1841 Female Head R.C. Down Dealer Widow
Cook Emily 27   Female Boarder R.C. Cookstown, Tyrone Servant Charwoman Married

1901 Census - Residents of a house 158 in Mill Street Part of. (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney Maggie 38 c1863 Female Head Ch of Ireland CoDown Flowerer Single

1901 Census - Residents of a house 144 in Movilla Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney Fanney 53 Female Head Presbyterian Co.Down Wool Weaver Widow
McCartney Jane 31 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Wool Weaver Single
McCartney David 21 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down Painter Single
McCartney Elizabeth 19 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Hem Sticher Single
McCartney Anna 16 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Hem Sticher Single
McCartney Minney 16 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Hem Sticher Single
McCartney Elenor 15 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Hem Sticher Single

Possibly McArtney ...

1901 Census - Residents of a house 54 in Victoria Avenue (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
McCartney Hugh 31 c1870 Male Head Presbyterian Co.Down Commercial Clerk Hosiery Business Married
McCartney Margaret "Maggie" 27 c1874 Female Wife Presbyterian Co.Down - Married
Tomkins Ambrose 28   Male Boarder Ch of Ireland England Hosiery Foreman Single

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1903 - Hugh McCartney the Town Clerk with his wife Maggie nee Blair with two of their children
Anna Stewart McCartney and James McCartney

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Sarah Martin and her mother Isabella with Anna Stewart McCartney

McCartney, Hugh - 1910 - Member of School Board and Secretary of Pension Sub-Committee as well as Clerk to Urban District Council

1911 Census - Residents of a house 3 in Balfour Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
Gordon Martha 34 c1877 Female Wife Presbyterian Co.Down - Married 13 8 5
Gordon James 13 c1898 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
Gordon Agnes Mawhinney 9 c1902 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
Gordon Hugh Mawhinney 6 c1905 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
Gordon Kathleen 4 c1907 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
Gordon William James 2 c1909 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down - Single - - -
Gordon Isabella 18 c1893 Female Boarder Presbyterian Co.Down Milliner Single - - -
Gordon Eleanor 19 c1892 Female Visitor Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney William James 28 c1873 Male Boarder Presbyterian Co.Down Textile Fitter Married 3 1 1
McCartney Grace 32 c1869 Female Boarder Presbyterian Co.Down - Married 3 1 1
McCartney Jane 2 c1909 Female Daughter Presbyterian Belfast - Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 11 in Balfour Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
Savage John 35   Male Head Ch. of Ire. Co.Down Bleacher Married - 4 4
Savage Annie 26   Female Wife Ch. of Ire. Co.Down - Married 7 4 4
Savage Annie 5   Female Daughter Ch. of Ire. Co.Down - Single - - -
Savage Frances 4   Female Daughter Ch. of Ire. Co.Down - Single - - -
Savage Robert 3   Male Son Ch. of Ire. Co.Down - Single - - -
Savage James 1   Male Son Ch. of Ire. Co.Down - Single - - -
McCartney Elenor 24 c1888 Female Boarder Presbyterian Co.Down Seamstress Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 36 in Court Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
McCartney Eliza Ann 64 Female Head Presbyterian Co.Down - Widow - - -
McCartney Margaret 29 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Shop Assistant - - - -
McCartney Henry 24 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down Printing Works Manager - - - -
McAlpine Robert 13 Male Boarder Methodist Co.Down Scholar - - - -
McAlpine Charles 11 Male Boarder Methodist Co.Down Scholar - - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 10 in Donaghadee Road (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
McCartney William John 46 c1865 Male Head Presbyterian Co.Down Weaver Wool Married 21 11 6
McCartney Mary 44 c1867 Female Wife Presbyterian Co.Down - Married 21 11 6
McCartney Elizabeth 20 c1891 Female Daughter Presbyterian Scotland Punch Stiching Single - - -
McCartney Robert 18 c1893 Male Son Presbyterian Scotland Wool Weaver Single - - -
McCartney Mary 13 c1898 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney Jane 8 c1903 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney William 7 c1904 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney Ethel 4 c1907 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 9 in Francis Street Little (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
Mcartney William James 54 Male Head Ch.of-Ire. Antrim Boot and Shoe Maker Married - - 1
Mcartney Ann Jane 46 Female Wife Ch.of-Ire. Down Embroider Married 18 2 1
Mcartney Robert 11 Male Son Ch.of-Ire. Down Scholar - - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 17 in Frederick Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
McCartney Margaret 48 c1863 Female Head Ch.of-Ire. Co.Down Flowerer Single - - -
McCartney John 9 c1902 Male Son Ch.of-Ire. Co.Down Scholar Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 86 in Movilla Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
McCartney Minnie 32 Female Head Presbyterian Down Embroidery Sewer Widow 11 5 4
McCartney Lizzie 14 Female Daughter Presbyterian Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney Samuel 12 Male Son Presbyterian Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney William 8 Male Son Presbyterian Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney David 6 Male Son Presbyterian Newtownards Scholar Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 32 in North Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
McCartney Fanny 65 c1846 Female Head Presbyterian Down - Widow 47 12 8
McCartney Jane 40 c1871 Female Daughter Presbyterian Down Hemstitcher Single - - -
McCartney David 32 c1879 Male Son Presbyterian Down Painter Single - - -
McCartney Minnie 26 c1885 Female Daughter Presbyterian Down Hemstitcher Single - - -
Blackstock Jane 11 c1900 Female Gr.Daughter Presbyterian Down Scholar Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 47 in Victoria Avenue (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
McCartney Hugh 41 Male Head Presbyterian Co.Down Town Clerk Married 11 6 6
McCartney Margaret nee Blair 37 Female Wife Presbyterian Co.Down - Married 11 6 6
McCartney Anna Stewart 9 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney James 8 Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney Elizabeth 6 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney Margaret 5 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down Scholar Single - - -
McCartney Agnes 3 Female Daughter Presbyterian Co.Down - Single - - -
McCartney Hugh   Male Son Presbyterian Co.Down - Single - - -
Snodden Roseanna 21 Female Servant Presbyterian Co.Down General Single - - -

victoria-avenue-47.jpg (70045 bytes)
2010 picture of the  family home in 1911

flag-usa.gif (10636 bytes) McCartney, Ellen - 13th. October 1911 aged 23 - {b.c1888} - Single - Arrived in the USA aboard the ship "Lusitania" possibly with her mother Frances McCartney of North St.  to be met by Samuel Wilson of 405 North Street. Kansas City - Samuel was an ex. Newtownards man.

Extract from "Newtownards Chronicle" 12th. November 1938 - Ref. Blair Mayne
Mr T.McCartney Sen., said the occasion was unique in the history of the town, and he thought he could say with safety that never before had anyone from Newtownards gone on a British touring team to another country. "One thing I admire about Blair ," said Mr McCartney,"is his unfailing modesty and charm of manner, he never boasted although he is an accomplished sportsman, for outside of rugby, he is an accomplished golfer and is no mean boxer". Since he (Mr McCartney) came to Newtownards he had seen those qualities which he had mentioned, outstanding in the whole Mayne family. He was delighted to be present that evening and he wished Blair all success not only in the world of sport, but in his professional life - Guests of Ards R.F.C.

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