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Last Update - 09 September 2015

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Niblock, Mary - 22nd. September 1770 - {Wife to John Bryson} - Mother of Mary Bryson

Niblock, Eliza - 15th. November 1846 - {Father William Niblock a weaver of Bowtown} - {Mother Elinor Jane McCalpin}

Niblock, Mary Ann - 29th. March 1857 - {Wife to John Neilson} - Mother of John Neilson
Niblock, Mary Ann - 24th. April 1859 - {Wife to John Neilson} - Mother of David Ferguson Neilson
Niblock, Mary Ann -12th. April  1866 - {Wife to John Neilson} - Mother of Alexander Neilson
Niblock, Mary Ann - 16th. May 1868 - {Wife to John Neilson} - Mother of Mary Ann Neilson

Niblock, George Montgomery - 14th. February 1863 - {Father William Niblock} - {Mother Jane Montgomery}
Niblock, Thomas - 4th. October 1865 - {Father William Niblock} - {Mother Jane Montgomery}
Niblock, Hugh Montgomery - 6th. November 1866 - {Father William Niblock} - {Mother Jane Montgomery}

Niblock, Ann - 13th. December 1869 - {Father James Niblock} - {Mother Margaret Perry}

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H = Headstone Image

Movilla Cemetery - Stone erected by James Niblock
Niblock, John - 27th. January 1834 aged 14 years - (Son of above James)

Niblock, James (The above) - 22nd. February 1864 aged 70 years - A labourer
10th. October 1864 - The Will of James Niblock late of Newtownards in the County of Down Labourer deceased who died 22 February 1864 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of Jane Niblock Widow and William John Dawson Grocer both of Newtownards aforesaid the Executors. - Effects under £20 

Niblock, Jane nee Belshaw - 8th. January 1879 aged 87 years - Of Francis Street -  (Wife of above James)
12th. February 1879 - The Will of Jane Niblock late of Newtownards County Down Widow deceased who died 8 January 1879 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of William John Dawson Grocer and James Finlay Gentleman both of Newtownards the Executors. - Effects under £20 - She had nephews, John Brown, James, John and Hugh Belshaw, neices Margaret Cairns, Mary Ann Dickson, also mentioned, Jane Dickson, Jane Maxwell, Mary Pollock, Jane McMullen,

Inscribed by Mary Belshaw
Belshaw, Hugh - 19th. February 1899 aged 49 - Husband to above Mary

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Niblock, William a weaver of Bowtown - 27th. June 1846 - {Father James Niblock a weaver} - Married Elinor Jane McCalpin
Witnesses were Lucius Crymble and William McCalpin

Niblock, Mary Ann - 25th. December 1849 aged 19 - {Father Robert Niblock} - Married John Neilson

Niblock, James - 10th. February 1862 aged 24 - {Father John Niblock} - Married Margaret Perry aged 21 - {Father Henry Perry}

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Niblock, James - 1863 - In Little Francis Street - Leased a house,office,yard and garden from the Marquis of Londonderry

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