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Last Update - 05 November 2015

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Jackson, William - 1795

Jackson, Mary - 1817 - {Wife to David Jamison Jnr.} - Mother of James Jamison
Jackson, Mary - 1819 - {Wife to David Jamison Jnr.} - Mother of Robert Jamison

Jackson, Eliza - 14th. May 1839 - (Father John Jackson) - (Mother Mary Allen Moore)

Jackson, Margaret - c1846 - {Father Joseph Jackson of Cunningburn} - {Mother Eliza ?}

Jackson, Joseph of Cunningburn - c1855 - Later joined the Royal Artillery as soldier 3124

Jackson, Eliza - 14th. April 1866 - (Father Joseph Jackson) - (Mother Eliza Newell)
Jackson, Mary Ann - 21st. June 1869 - (Father Joseph Jackson) - (Mother Eliza Newell)

Jackson, Robert - 12th. October 1867 - (Father William Jackson) - (Mother Sarah Robson)

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Jackson, Margaret - 1868 - (Wife to John Thompson) - Mother of Joseph Thompson

Jackson, Hannah Maria - 29th. September 1867 - (Father William Ridgeway Jackson) - (Mother Elizabeth Uprichard)
Jackson, Lydia Newsome - 11th. February 1869 - (Father William Ridgeway Jackson) - (Mother Elizabeth Uprichard)
Jackson, Mary Margaret Uprichard - 1st. September 1870 - (Father William Ridgeway Jackson) - (Mother Elizabeth Uprichard)
Jackson, William Uprichard - 20th. May 1872 - (Father William Ridgeway Jackson) - (Mother Elizabeth Uprichard)
Jackson, Elizabeth - 20th. June 1873 - (Father William Ridgeway Jackson) - (Mother Elizabeth Uprichard)
Jackson, Gilbertina Newsome - 23rd. march 1875 - (Father William Ridgeway Jackson) - (Mother Elizabeth Uprichard)
Click arrow-blue-right.jpg (647 bytes) to see 1872 document with William Ridgeway Jacksons signature

Jackson, Jane - 2nd. September 1873 - {Wife to Samuel Alexander} - Mother of Robert Alexander
Jackson, Jane - 22nd. December 1879 - {Wife to Samuel Alexander} - Mother of Samuel Alexander

Jackson, Mary Ann - 1874

Jackson, Samuel - 1874

Jackson, Sophia Elizabeth - 1874

Jackson, Margaret - 20th. May 1877 - (Wife to James Anderson) - Mother of Margaret Reid Anderson

Jackson, John - 22nd. August 1877 - (Father Samuel Jackson of Scrabo) - (Mother Martha McRoberts)
Jackson, Mary Anne - 15th. January 1880 - (Father Samuel Jackson of Scrabo) - (Mother Martha McRoberts)

Jackson, Jane - 1878 - {Father William Jackson} - {Mother Margaret ?}
Jackson, Maggie - 1881 - {Father William Jackson} - {Mother Margaret ?}
Jackson, William - 1886 - {Father William Jackson} - {Mother Margaret ?}
Jackson, Jemima - 1888 - {Father William Jackson} - {Mother Margaret ?}

Jackson, William Ledgerwood - 22nd. November 1889 - (Father John Jackson of Mill Street) - (Mother Eliza Jane Ledgerwood)
Jackson, John Price - 20th. October 1890 - (Father John Jackson of Mill Street) - (Mother Eliza Jane Ledgerwood)
Jackson, Jane McMeekan Price - 13th. May 1893 - (Father John Jackson of Mill Street) - (Mother Eliza Jane Ledgerwood)

Jackson, Lucinda Dorothy - 8th. November 1925 - {Father Oliver Jackson} - {Mother Emma Watt}

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H = Headstone Image

Jackson, Janet - September 1695 aged 54 - {b.c1641} - Wife to John
Jackson, John of Ballyskeagh - 16th. June 1716 aged 77 - {b.c1639}
30th. June 1716 - Will Probated - Will written 28 April 1716.  John JACKSON of Ballyskeegh minor in Newton parish County down. Lease of Ballyskeegh two sons Gilbert JACKSON, he paying £60 to my son Samuel JACKSON or his issue on their return to this country from abroad. Three daughters Mary, Jean and Sarah. Son-in-law Hugh BROWN. Son-in-law John KENNEDY and his daughter Janet my grandchild. Friend John THOMPSON of Newton. Debtors widow THETFORD of Belfast. Edward WHITESIDE of Malone, County Antrim. Executor: son Gilbert. Witnesses: James CATHERWOOD; Joshua SLOAN; William SLOANE.
Jackson, Hugh - Died unmarried
Jackson, John - Died unmarried
Jackson, James - Died unmarried

Box Tomb with arms - A chevron with three mulets and in the base a hand holding a sword.
Jackson, James late Provost of Newtownards - 25th. November 1711 aged 63 - {b.c1648}
Jackson, Gilbert a tanner - 22nd. September 1723 aged 46 - {b.c1677}
The Tannery stood at the corner of Mill Street and the old Comber Road which we now call the Scrabo Road, it runs across the front of Scrabo and on to Comber ... the tannery was likely established very early by Robert Jackson father of James the late Provost ...

Jackson, Annas nee Kell - September 1766 aged 87 - {b.c1679}
Also 9 of their children (Gilbert and Annas) - viz. Hugh,Grizell,Sarah,John,Mary,Jane,James,Annas and Janet
The only surviving child is Jane who is now wife to John Moor of Drumon, Co.Tyrone

His uncle James JACKSON, who died childless, left him all and whole my interest in and about the town of Newtown (Viz) my  Tan Yard and Tan House  together with all the Bark and Leather in it, whether Tanned or in Tanning, as also my Parks hay Turf Cows and Horses together with my Dwelling House and Garden, and all my household plenishings and everything in my House, as it shall be at my decease (Excepting Money and Plate)

PRONI T808/8244 - Down will made 23 August 1723 proved 4 March 1723. Joubert (Gilbert) JACKSON of Newtown, County Down. To be buried in the Mevilla churchyard. Wife Anna's JACKSON alias KELL and three daughters Sarah Janet and Anne JACKSON all minors and unmarried, legacies to Gilbert JACKSON son of James JACKSON. Gilbert ORE (ORR) son of James ORE (Orr) . The deed of the meeting house that I and James Thompson have. £10 to rebuild Newton meeting house. Executors wife Annas JACKSON, James JACKSON and John Thompson . Witnesses: James  Thompson ; James Thompson ; and James Catherwood . Inventory 10 October 1724 taken by James ORR Senior and James Orr  Junior. Freehold of house in Newtown and lease of Ballysceach. Leather and &c in tanyard

Jackson, Thomas - 1713 - Will written 30th. Dec.1712 proved 5th. May 1713.
Thomas JACKSON of Newtown in Ards Barony in County Down innholder to be buried in Mevilla [Movilla] churchyard. All to executor's wife Janet JACKSON alias Lindsay for life. Then in sixth equal parts between wife’s three sisters and my own sister and my own two brothers, William and Robert JACKSON. Bible to my friend Gilbert JACKSON. Executor's wife. Overseers Gilbert JACKSON of Newtown, County Down Tanner. And James JACKSON of Dunlady in Dundalk Parish [sic- Dundonald Parish] County Down. Witnesses James Smart Senior; James Smart  Junior; and James Thompson. Codicil 30 January 1712 wife's sister Margaret and wife's niece Jane Burgess. Heraldic seal a rampant quadruped.

Lindsay, Janet nee Jackson a widow of Newotwn - c1716 - will made 5 March 1716 proved 19 February 1717 - 1718.. Three sisters Anna's, Marie and Margaret and latter’s daughter Mary Radcliffe. Brothers-in-law Robert JACKSON and William JACKSON and their sister Anne JACKSON, Bible to Gilbert JACKSON. Friend John Thompson. Executor, brother-in-law William JACKSON. Witnesses: William McQuaid; James Lockhart; John Mairs.

Orr, Mary alias Jackson - 23rd. January 1751 aged 83 - {b.c1668} - Wife to James Orr (1734)

Erected by Thomas Jackson
Jackson, Barbara nee Boyd - 6th. June 1760 aged 62 - {b.c1698} - Wife to above Thomas
Jackson, Thomas (The above) - 4th. March 1780 aged 64 - {b.c1716}
Jackson, Gilbert - 10th. May 1806 aged 67 - {b.c1739} - Son of above Thomas and Barbara
Jackson, Eliza nee Russell - 5th. April 1829 aged 92 - {b.c1747} - Wife to above Gilbert
Jackson, Ann - 9th. January 1853 aged 77 - {b.c1776} - Grand-Daughter to above Thomas

Jackson, William - 1783 - Of Gregstown - Will Probated

"Newtownards Masonic Lodge 447"
Erected by his wife
Jackson, John an innkeeper - July 1797 - Taken from the Belfast Newsletter of 4th. August 1797 - "In Newtownards a few days ago, Mr. John Jackson of that place; it is sufficient to say he was a tender husband, a fond father, a sincere and affectionate friend, a good neighbour and a truly honest man."
3 of his children James,Victor and William
Jackson, Ann - 24th. October 1829 aged 70 - {b.c1759} - Wife to above John
Jackson, Margaret - 11th. 11th. March 1836 aged 41 - {b.c1795} - Daughter to above Thomas and Ann

Erected by George Jackson
Jackson, Margaret - 1st. June 1810 aged 17 - {b.c1793} - Daughter of above
Jackson, Isabel - 4th. June 1810 aged 12 - {b.c1798} - Daughter of above
Jackson, Mary - 19th. April 1826 aged 52 - {b.c1774} - Wife to above George

Jackson, Arabella - 29th. April 1821 aged 64 - {b.c1757} - Widow of Dr.Jackson of Newtownards and mother of Eliza - Buried Dromore Ch.of Ireland

Rankin, Mary alias Jackson - 15th. September 1851 aged 80 - {b.c1771} - Wife to Henry Rankin (1830)

Jackson, Anne - 1864 aged 65 - {b.c1799}

Jackson, Mary of Movilla, Donegal ?  - 1st. February 1865 aged 88 years - {b.c1777} (Wife of David Jamison Jnr. 1844) H

Jackson, John - 2nd. March 1869 - A farmer of MIll Street
25th. March 1869 - Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed) of the personal estate of John Jackson late of Mill Street Newtownards County Down Farmer deceased who died 2 March 1869 at same place were granted at Belfast to James M'Cormack of Bridge Street Newtownards aforesaid Labourer a Nephew and one of the Residuary Legatees. - Effects under £200 - He also had a nephew James Hall - Neice Eliza wife of Thomas Lindsay - A neice Alice Brownlee - A neice Margaret Carlin - A late nephew John Hall - A sister Jane Hall

Jackson, Thomas - 15th. May 1885 - A labourer
19th. March 1886 - The Will of Thomas Jackson late of Newtownards County Down Labourer who died 15 May 1885 at same place was proved at Belfast by the Reverend William M'Ilwrath Presbyterian Minister and James Jackson Draper both of Newtownards the Executors. - Effects £209-6s

Johnston, Alias Jackson alias Price, Jane - 26th. June 1886 - A widow
9th. August 1886 - Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Jane Johnston alias Jackson alias Price late of Newtownards County Down Widow who died 26 June 1886 at same place were granted at Belfast to Elizabeth Jackson of Newtownards Spinster a Child. - Effects £162-0s-1d

Jackson, Martha Stuart - 1897 aged 40 - {b.c1857}

Alexander, Jane nee Jackson - 16th. June 1908 - Wife to Samuel Alexander  H

Jackson, William - 1921 aged 73 - {b.c1848} - A spirit merchant and husband to Margaret

Jackson, Margaret - 22nd. February 1924 - A widow of Greenwell Street
19th. June 1924 - Jackson, Margaret of Greenwell Street Newtownards county Down widow died 22 February 1924 Administration Belfast 19 June to William Jackson spirit merchant. Effects £1003-19s-11d.

Jackson, Jane - 8th. June 1924 - Spinster of Greenwell Street
21st. July 1925 - Jackson, Jane of Greenwell Street Newtownards County Down spinster died 8 June 1924 Administration Belfast 21 July to Agnes Barnes married woman. Effects £818-5s.

Jackson, William - 31st. October 1924 - A spirit merchant of South Street - Son of William and Margaret Jackson deceased. - H
18th. December 1924 - Jackson, William of South Street Newtownards county Down spirit merchant died 31 October 1924 at University Street Belfast Probate Belfast 18 December to Robert Irvine taxi proprietor and John Kennedy draper. Effects £5096-2s-3d.

Jackson, David - 7th. November 1925 - A labourer of West Street
25th. January 1926 - Jackson David of West Street Newtownards and of Ganaway Ballywalter county Down labourer died 7 November 1925 at Ganaway Ballywalter aforesaid Probate Belfast 25 January to Mary Jane Jackson the widow. Effects £182-2s-7d.

Erected by Emma Jackson nee Watt - H
Watt, Margaret - 5th. November 1933 aged 85 - {b.c1848} - Mother of above
Jackson, Oliver a linen merchant of Ballyalton House - 2nd. April 1953 aged 63 - {b.c1890} - Husband to above Emma
Jackson, Emma nee Watt - 15th. July 1982 aged 92 - {b.c1890} - Wife to Oliver

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Jackson, Miss E.D. - February 1806 - (Father S.Jackson of Mountpleasant) - Minister Rev. John Cleland - Married ???

Jackson, John - 31st. October 1833 - Married Bella Busby
Witnesses were Betty McCracken and William Sweeten @ 1st. Presbyterian

Jackson, Joseph of Cunningburn - 1844 - Married Eliza ?}

Jackson, George a weaver - 9th. June 1845 aged 27 - (Father John Jackson a farmer) - Married Mary Cree
Witnesses were William Patton and William Watson @ 1st.Presbyterian

Jackson, Thomas - 12th. November 1853 - {Father Thomas Jackson} - Married Martha McWhinney a widow nee Miller - {Father Robert Miller}

Jackson, Thomas - 11th. October 1856 aged 27 - {Father Thomas Jackson} - Married Mary Anne Stewart aged 28 - {Father Samuel Stewart}

Jackson, William - 16th. July 1857 - {Father William Jackson} - Married Agnes Hopkin aged 20 - {Father Robert Hopkin}

Jackson, Samuel - 1st. October 1859 aged 22 - {b.c1837} - {Father Hugh Jackson} - Married Agnes Semple aged 23 - {Father James Semple}

Jackson, Mary - 30th. July 1862 aged 24 - (Father Robert Jackson) - Married Samuel McLain

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Jackson, Mary - 30th. December 1865 - {Father Henry Jackson} - Married Samuel Carnduff - {Father Robert Carnduff} - @ N'Ards Reg.Office

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Jackson, Jane of Zion Place - 23rd. September 1879 - (Father John Jackson a farmer) - Married Hamilton Crawford a farmer of Ballyharry
Witnesses were William McGimpsey and Mary Jackson
arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Crawford, Jane a widow nee Jackson  - 24th. March 1898 - (Father John Jackson a deceased farmer) - Married William John Shaw a traveller and her 2nd. husband

arrow-red-right.jpg (648 bytes) Jackson, Elizabeth - 13th. December 1888 - (Father John Jackson a farmer) - Married John Eadie~Eddy a widower of Drumhirk - Sarah was his 2nd. wife
Witnesses were Robert Gaw Bell and Mary Adams @ Greenwell Street Presbyterian

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Jackson, James - 13th. November 1711 - Last will and testament - A tanner and brother to John Jackson
In the name of God, I James JACKSON in Newtown in the County of Down  being Sensible of my Bodily Weakness and apprehensive of my approaching change and desireous to prevent mistakes and debates among my friends about anything I leave when I am gone do therefore make this my last will and Testament Whereby after leaving my soul to God, dying in the hope of a glorious ressurection through the geath and merrits of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, and after leaving my body to be buried in such deent manner as to my bxecs  here after shall seem met I order leave and bequeath  as followeth (Viz) First I order and appoint that all my just debts be honestly and punctually paid next I leave to my brother John JACKSON of Ballyreggin a Guiney as a token of my kindness, Item I leave to his son James JACKSON my nephew all & whole my right and title to my freehold of Ballymasca yet so as James NEIL in whose possession it now is shall quietly and peaceable enjoy the same during the time and according to the Terms he holds the same by a lease under my hand and seal Item I leave  to my nephew Gilbert JACKSON Son to John JACKSON of Ballyskeagh , all and whole my interest in and about the town of Newtown (Viz) my  Tan Yard and Tan House   together with all the Bark and Leather in it, whether Tanned or in Tanning, as also my parks, hay, turf, cows and horses together with my dwelling house and garden, and all my household plenishings and everything in my house, as it shall be at my decease (Excepting Money and Plate) Item I order and appoint that what Debts are due to me by Bond or otherwise as also what money and plate I shall have at my Decease together with my proportion of the barge called the William and John shall go solely and Wholly to the said Gilbert JACKSON and James JACKSON and be equally divided betwixt ‘em each taking to himself the exact half of the whole, and finally I appoint my said nephews Gilbert JACKSON & James JACKSON  to be my sole and joint execs to this my last will and testament whom I order and appoint to pay out   of the readiest of my effects as followeth (Viz) Ten Pounds Sterl to John THOMPSON and John JACKSON both in the parish of Newton to be disposed of according to their pleasure and Five Pounds Sterl to John Feat one of my nephews to encourage him to follow his studies   and also Eight Pounds Sterl  to Eliz Cord her sisters and brothers  to be given to them for their support  from time to time as the above mentioned Gilbert JACKSON shall see fit and convenient and moreover forty shillings to my  two servents (Viz) James SLOAN and Martha WITHER to be equally  divided betwixt them, which shall bear date the Thirteenth day of Novr 1711 and is witnessed by Thomas JACKSON of Newtown Innkeeper John THOMPSON of the same  Merchant  and John MAIRS Minister in Newtown aforesaid.

Jackson, Gilbert - Son of John Jackson of Ballyskeagh and Catherine McKinney of Dundalk
Jackson, Hendrie
Jackson, James - A tanner
Jackson, James - Nephew of James Jackson of Ballymascaw
Jackson, John (1667~1725) - Of Ballyregan - Younger brother of above James
Jackson, John - Of Ballyskeagh
Jackson, Rachel
Jackson, Thomas - Of Ballyregan
Jackson, Thomas - Innkeeper
McKinney, Catherine - aka Catring McKinney - Wife to John Jackson of Ballyregan

Jackson, Thomas - 30th. December 1712 - Will written - Probated 5 May 1713.  Thomas JACKSON of Newtown in Ards Barony in County Down innholder "Innkeeper"  to be buried in Mevilla churchyard. All to executor's wife Janet JACKSON alias LINDSAY for life. Then in sixth equal parts between my wife’s three sisters and my own sister and my own two brothers, William and Robert JACKSON. Bible to my friend Gilbert JACKSON. Executor's wife. Overseers Gilbert JACKSON of Newtown, County Down Tanner. And James JACKSON of Dunlady in Dundalk Parish County Down. Witnesses James SMART Senior; James SMART  Junior; and James THOMPSON. Codicil 30 January 1712 wife's sister Margaret and wife's niece Jane BURGESS.

Jackson, Janet - 5th. March 1716 - Will written - Probated 19 February 1717 - 1718. Janet JACKSON alias LINDSAY of Newtown, widow. Three sisters Anna's Marie and Margaret and latter’s daughter Mary RADCLIFFE. Brothers-in-law Robert JACKSON and William JACKSON and their sister Anne JACKSON, Bible to Gilbert JACKSON. Friend John THOMPSON. Executor, brother-in-law William JACKSON. Witnesses: William McQUAID; James LOCKHART; John MAIRS.

Jackson, Gilbert with John Thompson - 18th. September 1722 - Leased a house in Back Street from Rev. Thomas Kennedy

Jackson, Gilbert of Ballyskea - 1723 - Son of John Jackson and father of Jane Jackson - Will Probated

Jackson, Jane of Newtownards - 17th. April 1740 - Sold a half Tenement on the South side of High Street to Gilbert Jackson of Ballymiscaw

Deed of lease and release made between Jane JACKSON only daughter of Gilbert JACKSON late of Newtown in the Co of Down Gent dec'd of the one part & Gilbert JACKSON of Ballymisca in the county of the other part... Jane sold to Gilbert one half  tenement on the south side of High Street of Newtown & now enjoyed by John TATE of Newtown...  & half of garden   belonging to Thomas KENNEDY of Ballintrea on the back street of said town of Newtown being the north part of said garden  bounding on the north with the acres of land in possession of Robert Young GARDINER & George FERGUSON apothecary on the east with a plot of ground in the possession of William JACKSON bridler, on the south with part of the said Thomas KENNEDY's garden & on the west with a small garden belonging to the heirs of Wm HAZLETT..

TATE, Annas - 18th. August 1755 - Otherwise JACKSON otherwise KELL of town of Newton, Co Down widow of  the one part & Henry FERGUSON of Ballyrogan (aka Ballyreagan) Parish of   Newtown & David PATTERSON of the town & co aforesaid Chandler, of the other part. Annas TATE in consid of 6 pounds to FERGUSON & PATTERSON for use of dissenting congregation of Newtown to build aPresbyterian Church

TATE, Annas - 17th. August 1757 - Otherwise Jackson otherwise Kell of Newton, Co. Down, widow of John TATE late of Newtown Gent & Jane MOORE otherwise JACKSON wife of John MOORE of Drummon in Co Tyrone Gent & daughter to said Annas TATE of 2nd pt. John McCORD of Newry Gent Rev Henry JACKSON of Bannbridge & Rev James HUEY of Newtown all of Co Down of 3rd pt.

Jackson, Jane - 18th. March 1766 - Has to let a large dwelling house of 2 stories in the centre of Newtownards previously occupaied by John Jackson a proprietor of a soap boiling business,. also suitable as a tannery - Contact Mrs. Jane Boyd in Larne

Jackson, John - 9th. September 1766 - To be let for 13 years... the dwelling house lately built by Mr. John JACKSON, deceased, situate on the Old Key being commodious and well finished, consisting of a kitchen, Parlour, Dining Room and four bed chambers besides good garrets; with Stable, Cellar, Coal Hole, and other sundry conveniences... Enquire at Mr. George BLACK, merchant.

Jackson, James - 6th. December 1766 - Member of Newtownards Freemasons Lodge No. 447

Jackson, Gilbert - 6th. December 1766 - Member of Newtownards Freemasons Lodge No. 447

Jackson, William - 1783 - Of Gregstown - Will probated

Jackson, Gilbert - 30th. October 1789 - A Shoemaker - Land Deed

      Type of deed Date of current deed 30 Oct 1789 Vol Page Memorial  
      I release Date of earlier deed   407 282 271472  
No Role(s) in earlier deed(s) Role in current deed(s) Family name Forename   Place Occ or title A
A   P1 JACKSON Gilbert of Newtownards, DOW Shoemaker A
B   P2 BAN Hugh of Groomsport, Bangor pa, DOW farmer  
3   REG ARTHUR Alexander of Belfast, ANT    
4   WD;WM BAN James of Groomsport, DOW farmer  
5   WD;WM McCLEAN Samuel of Ballymagee, DOW farmer  
Abstract Comment for person [A] :parcel of ground on n.side Francis St, Newtowards, in possession of A, [21' 4" by 190 feet deep] from A to B for £54 to hold unto B forever with clause for redemption upon payment of £54 + 6% interest 1 Feb next.
Person [3] :memorial was sworn at Belfast 3 Nov 1789 before Alexander Arthur
Person [4] : 
Person [5] : 
MS     Date registered 1789-11-7   Date abstract added 20110331  

30th. October 1789 - Gilbert JACKSON, Shoemaker of Newtownards, Co. Down of 1st part and Hugh BANN, farmer of Groomsport, Co. Down of 2nd part. Witnesses: James BANN, Farmer of Groomsport & Samuel MCCLEAN, farmer of Ballymagee, Co. Down. Alexander ARTHUR, Registrar at Belfast. Parcel of ground on n.side Francis St, Newtowards, in possession of Gilbert JACKSON, [21' 4" by 190 feet deep] from Gilbert JACKSON to Hugh BANN for £54 to hold unto High BANN forever with clause for redemption upon payment of £54 + 6% interest 1 Feb next.

Btw Gilbert JACKSON of Newtownards, City of Down Shoemaker of 1 pt & Wiliam  BAILEY of same, Publican.. house in occupation of Thomas JACKSON on North side of Francis Street of Newtownards...

Jackson, Ann - 21st. August 1797 - From the Belfast Newsletter

ANN JACKSON begs leave to inform the Friends of her late Husband and the Public in general, That she continues to carry on the Business as usual and will be constantly supplied with Wine, Spirits, &c. &c. She has purchased new Chaises, good Horses, *c. For the accommodation of her Customers, and hopes from her care and attention, to merit a continuance of former favours. August 18, 1797.

Jackson, Dr. James - 1797 - Captain of the Guard during the uprising - associated with Jig Fullerton - Husband to Arabella and father of Eliza

Jackson, John - 1797 - Will probated

Jackson, Mrs.- 24th. December 1799 - On 13th. January 1800 - To be sold by the Sherriff of Co.Down, the house of Mrs. Jackson at 1.0. clock past morning, all the defendants right, tithe and interest in and to the malthouse, stores and office houses at Ballymacnanee near Portaferry, late in the defendants possession.  Marcus Corry Sherriff

Jackson, Gilbert a shoemaker - 7th. June 1800 - Property Deal
Between Gilbert JACKSON of Newtownards, City of Down Shoemaker of 1 pt & Wiliam   BAILEY of same, Publican.. house in occupation of Thomas JACKSON on North side of Francis Street of Newtownards..

Jackson, James - 6th. February 1823 - Registered a Freehold at Newtownards Town he lived at Whitespots

Jackson, A. - 1824 - A haberdasher

Jackson nee Robison, Jane - 1833 - A widow - Will Probated

Jackson, John - 1846 - A grocer of Mill Street

Jackson, Agnes - 5th. April 1850 - Witness to the marriage of Thomas Allen and Jane Boyd

Jackson, Mary - 1852 - A provision dealer of Little Francis Street

Jackson, William James - 8th. February 1862 - Member of the Freemasons Lodge on Regent Street

Jackson, John - 1863 - Of Back Shuttlefield - Leased out a house to David Orr

Jackson, John - 1863 - Of Mill Street - Leased a house,office,yard and garden from the Marquis of Londonderry
Jackson, John - 1863 - Of Mill Street - Leased 3 acres in Corporation South - with 3 others
Jackson, John - 1863 - Of Mill Street - Leased out part of a house to Margaret McCullough

Jackson, John - 1863 - Leased out a house and yard to William Kelly of Back Shuttlefield lane

Jackson, John - 1863 - In Little Francis Street - Leased a house,yard and garden from James Boal

Jackson, Joseph - 1863 - Of Cunningburn - Leased a house and garden from Hugh Cooper

Jackson, Robert - 1863 - Of East Street - Leased a house and yard from James Finlay

Jackson, Robert - 1863 - Of Mill Street - Leased a house,garden and yard from Alexander McDonald

Jackson, Robert - 1863 - Of Mill Street - Leased a house,garden and yard from Alexander McDonnell

Jackson, Widow - 1863 - Of Cunningburn - Leased a house from James Finlay

1901 Census - Residents of a house 13 in Circular Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Jackson Eliza 56 c1845 Female Head Presbyterian Co Down General Servant Domestic Widow

1901 Census - Residents of a house 1 in Donaghadee Road (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Gibson Mary Ann 51   Female Head Presbyterian Co Down Grocer Widow
Gibson James 22   Male Son Presbyterian Co Down Carpenter (Joiner) Single
Gibson Maggie 20   Female Daughter Presbyterian Co Down Dress-Maker Single
Jackson Samuel 16 *1885 Male Boarder Presbyterian Newtownards Painter Single

1901 Census - Residents of a house 82 in Greenwell Street (Newtownards Urban, Down) *

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Jackson William 53 c1848 Male Head Presbyterian Down Publican Married
Jackson Margret 49 c1852 Female Wife Presbyterian Down - Married
Jackson Jane 22 *1878 Female Daughter Presbyterian Newtownards - Single
Jackson Maggie 19 *1881 Female Daughter Presbyterian Newtownards House Work Single
Jackson William 14 *1886 Male Son Presbyterian Newtownards At School Single
Jackson Jemima 12 *1888 Female Daughter Presbyterian Newtownards At School Single

1901 Census - Residents of a house 145 in Greenwell Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Anderson Jane 52 Female Head Presbyterian Church Co Down Seamstress Single
Anderson Jane 17 Female Niece Presbyterian Church Co Down Hosiery Knitter Single
Jackson Emma Jane 19 Female Boarder Presbyterian Church Co Antrim Dressmaker Single
Orr David John 1 Male Boarder Presbyterian Church England - Single

Jackson, William - 6th. June 1908 aged 21 - {b.c1886} - Unmarried - Arrived at New York aboard the ship "Baltic" out of Liverpool
Appears he did not stay in the U.S. as his death is recorded above in 1924

flag-england.gif (7647 bytes) 1911 Census - Residents of a house in Chorton Upon Medlock,. South Manchester, Lancashire. England
Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Jackson Samuel 51 c1860 Male     Newtownards    

flag-england.gif (7647 bytes) 1911 Census - Residents of a house in Heath Town, Willinhall, Wolverhampton. England
Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Jackson William Uprichard 38 *1872 Male     Newtownards    

1911 Census - Residents of a house 55 in Greenwell Street (Newtownards Urban, Down) *

Surname Forename Age Born Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
Jackson William 63 c1848 Male Head Presbyterian Co Down Spirit Merchant Married 42 6 6
Jackson Margaret 60 c1851 Female Wife Presbyterian Co Down - Married 42 - -
Jackson Jane 32 *1878 Female Daughter Presbyterian Newtownards - Single - - -
Jackson Jemima 22 *1888 Female Daughter Presbyterian Newtownards - Single - - -

1911 Census - Residents of a house 39 in Victoria Avenue (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status Years Married Children Born Children Living
Jackson Thomas 34 Male Head Ch of Ireland Co Cavan Constable R I C Married - - -
Jackson Ellen 25 Female Wife Ch of Ireland Co Tyrone - Married 1 1 1
Jackson Sarah Barbara May 1 Female Daughter Ch of Ireland Co Tyrone - - - - -

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For Internal Use - © Derek Beattie

Census LDS T/Land Trans Emig.
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