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Last Update - 23 August 2015
H = Headstone Image

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Camlon, John - 13th. February 1836 - (Father Alexander Camlon of Whitespots) - (Mother Jane Wilson)

Camlon, Alexander - 2nd. July 1836 - (Father Alexander Camlon of Tullynagardy) - (Mother Eliza Jane Canning)

Camelon, Alexander - 25th. March 1839 - (Father Samuel Camelon of Ballyskeagh) - (Mother Jane Wilson)

Camlin, George - 26th. April 1843 - (Father Alexander Camlin of Scrabo) - (Mother Eliza Jane Kenon)
Camlin, Catherine - 17th. April 1848 - (Father Alexander Camlin of Scrabo) - (Mother Eliza Jane Kenon)

Camblin, James Henry - 11th. January 1857 - (Father Alexander Camblin) - Mother Sarah McCallum)
Camblin, Hugh - 2nd. January 1858 - (Father Alexander Camblin) - Mother Sarah McCallum)
Camblin, Alexander - 5th. June 1860 - (Father Alexander Camblin) - Mother Sarah McCallum)

Camblin, Jane -5th. October 1863 - (Father Hugh Camblin of Ballyskeagh) - (Mother Jane McCance)

Camlon, Mary Anne - 3rd. May 1873 - {Father James Camlon} - {Mother Jane McAllister}

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Wilson, Jane nee Camblin - 1818 - Of Ballyalicock - PRONI pre 1858 wills.

Erected by James Meharg (Grahem)
Camlin, Jane - 18th. October 1838 aged 74 - Aunt to above James Meharg

Erected by Hugh Camblin of Tullynagardy
Camblin, Alexander - 11th. June 1842 aged 50 - Father of above Hugh
Camblin, Jane - 30th. January 1865 aged 65 - Mother of above Hugh
Camblin, Hugh - 9th. June 1897 aged 70 - The above
Camblin, Jane - 4th. February 1915 aged 91 - Wife of above Hugh
Wilson, Jane nee Camblin - 26th. December 1939 aged 76 - Daughter of above Hugh

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Camblin, Alexander a Carpenter of Tullynagardy - 24th. October 1853 - (Father Alexander Camblin a farmer of Tullynagardy) - Married Sarah McCallum
Witnesses were Lucius Crymble and James Camblin

Camblin, Jane of Whitespots - 15th. May 1861 - (Father Alexander Camblin a farmer) - Married William Lindsay
Witnesses were Samuel Camblin and Mary McCracken

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Campblin, Jane - 1818 - Mrs. Wilson - Will Probated

Ferguson, R. - 1839 - Of Bowtown - Executor to the will of Jane Camplin

Camblin, Hugh - 1863 - In Tullynagardy - Leased out a house to David Ferguson

1901 Census - Residents of a house 37 in South Street (Newtownards Urban, Down)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Marital Status
Camblin Jane 74 Female Head of Family Presbyterian Newtownards Retired Farmer Widow
Wilson Jane 36 Female Daughter Presbyterian Down Retired Farmer Widow
Wilson David Hugh 9 Male Grand Son Presbyterian Down Scholar Not Married

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Many thanks to William Bullar for this pic of Ernie Camlin the "Ulster Frogman"
Ernie and Brother Jack ran Camlin Nurseries on the Manse Road c1960s

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